Innovation Pathway
how we help
We accelerate growth by providing advice and solutions in all areas of your innovation pathway. We firmly believe in adopting a holistic approach to managing, balancing and optimising the complex interactions between incentives and opportunities. We do this by leveraging our extensive academic and professional expertise, and that of our partner network, to ensure that we cover all bases.

Grant funding
Grant identification, drafting and review
Consortium building
Collaboration agreements

IP & Patents
Portfolio review
Patent drafting and strategic advice
Trademarks and design rights

Academic community
Access to our professional network
Collaboration and consortium building

Grant Funding
There are numerous sources of innovation and business grant funding that open and close throughout the year. Our intimate relationships with the major funding bodies allows us to be insightful and proactive in helping companies identify relevant and achievable opportunities, support the application drafting and review process, and help to build powerful consortia.
Our holistic approach to supporting your innovation means that we are acutely aware of the complexities and interactions that grant funding can have on other incentives.
Grant landscape and funding availability studies (regional, national and international)
Consortium building (commercial and academic), application support and advice, and collaboration agreements
Application drafting or review
Where, When and How?
How we help

Research and development tax credits
don't miss out on what's yours
The UK’s R&D tax credit regime has been in place in one form or another since 2012. Today, the scheme continues to grow in its generosity and plays a vital role in encouraging UK businesses to invest in R&D activity.
Bare with us as we update our material in line with the Autume Budget!
Small to medium enterprises (SMEs)
large businesses
For SMEs the R&D scheme offers a 130% enhanced deduction of your company’s qualifying R&D expenditure. The ‘benefit’ an SME receives depends on its tax paying position.
For large companies, the scheme offers a repayable Research and Development Expenditure Credit calculated at 13% of your company’s qualifying R&D expenditure (this rate increases to 13% for expenditure incurred on or after 1 April 2020) and is taxable.


common misconceptions
"we don't do R&D"
Check your definition! Businesses miss out far too often because their definition of R&D is too narrow.
• Are you resolving technological challenges?
• Are you making improvements to existing products and solutions?
• Are you adapting technologies and systems?
• Are you improving techniques and efficiencies?
There is R&D in every industry, from beer brewing to nuclear decommissioning. We have worked with them all !
"tax credits = tax function"
No! Whilst the benefits of the scheme are administered via the corporate tax system, the quantification and justification of what is considered R&D is very much a technological and scientific based assessment.
This is why we are all professional scientists and engineers, as well as experts in R&D tax credits.
"our claims are good enough"
Are there hidden benefits or issues? Think about both Value and Robustness. In our experience, businesses with existing claims have maintained the same methodology for a number of years and have not stayed up to date with changes in the regime. This can mean potentially risky or undervalued claims.
Is it time for a health check?
"it's easy we can do it"
Yes. It can be. But it can also get very complicated very quickly! We want to help our partners succeed, which means helping you in the way you want to be helped! Want us to teach you how? Or just let us take care of it all? We can.

Intellectual property and Patents
Start with strong foundations
Careful consideration of how a business manages its intellectual property (know-how, confidential information, trademarks, design rights, branding, get-up and patents) from the outset will save money, time and heartache. Too often have we seen IP being treated as an afterthought by both start-ups and established businesses only to subsequently discover that their hard work is unprotectable or commercially compromised due to infringement.
In contrast, many companies also fail to adequately protect their IP due to the misconceptions and misinformation about the costs of IP protection and what can and cannot be protected.

How we help
Patent claim strategy, acceleration options, patent application filing, freedom to operate and infringement studies, trade marks, design registrations, NDAs and the Patent Box Scheme

strength in numbers
You don't always have to go it alone! Collaboration with like-minded, synergistic businesses and academic institutions can create opportunities for funding, technology sharing and accelerated growth. Whether you are searching for a technology provider, academic resource or are looking to build a consortium, we can help connect the dots.
Collaboration and consortium building
Knowledge transfer partnerships
Access to professional & academic network
collaboration agreement drafting and negotiation

back the right horse
Technical due diligence is critical in ensuring investors back the right businesses with the right technologies. Our diverse technical experience, along with our extensive academic network, places us perfectly to provide the assessments you need to make informed investment decisions.
Be the right Horse
How attractive is your business? Getting your innovation strategy and road-map in order can make the difference between a flop or a successful IPO. We're here to help your business shine!